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The moral compass

Moral Compass: noun. an internalised set of values and objectives that guide a person with regard to ethical behaviour and decision-making

  • the moral compass

    The moral compass is the virtue that allows us to act in the right way when something requires an ethical response. Unsurprisingly, classrooms are saturated with moral interactions and ethical dilemmas on a daily basis.

  • the morals of your organisation

    Morals and morality can be different for all of us. If this is the case, then teachers and schools must have a simple set of moral themes to follow across the organisation. These must transcend our own, sometimes complex personal morality, but align with our values. This provides a level of authenticity that students need.

  • caught: solving dilemmas through discussion

    Moral virtue is often ‘caught’ in our classrooms, with moral dilemmas being solved between students and teachers through discussion.

  • where does your morality lie?

    We must consider where our own morality lies as we enter the teaching profession. Most teachers enter the profession to make a positive difference to students' lives, and this has a moral and ethical dimension to it. Have we properly considered where our morals sit so that we may, as professionals, provide guidance to our students?